Denim Pony is the business I always dreamed about. Although I never had planned for it.

I have been working as an interior designer for the past 25 years. I build custom homes with my husband. I had really enjoyed the work but was looking for something more satisfying after my kids left home for college. I had just become an empty nester and it was time for some changes.

I had been studying sculpture for a few years and was planning on making it a full-time career. Then Covid hit. I had so much time on my hands but didn’t feel like I was drawn to sculpting as strongly as I thought I would be.

One day while cleaning out a closet I found a box of my mom’s belongings. She had passed away 8 years before and I had stuck some things away that I wanted but didn’t really know what to do with. Scarves are one of those things that we all buy and then somehow, they end up folded in a drawer and hardly, if ever worn.

I loved the scarf so much; it was a horse with beautiful English tack design. I didn’t want to just fold it up again, but what to do with it? I suddenly thought to pin it to the back of a jacket and see how it looked. I paraded around the house in it when my husband remarked how cool my new jacket was. I had it sewn on right away and wore it to my riding club to show it off. Everyone at the club just loved it instantly and wanted to know where they could get one. SO next thing I was hunting for more scarves and vintage jackets to put on my first trunk show. The show was such a hit I decided I had landed on something that felt right.

Maybe I was going back to my roots of design. I loved shopping for vintage clothes and scarves and creating something fully sustainable with no waste seemed too good to be true. This could really capture all my passions in one place.

I was creating an item of luxury that would give my customers a unique piece of clothing that no one else had.

I have heard so many successful people say “if you find a job that you love and that fulfills your creativity you will feel like you’re not working.” Well, that statement has never been more true. I get up every morning so excited to start my day and create beautiful jackets for my clients.

I look forward to growing my business and meeting some great horse girls along the way. The hope is that it will take me to beautiful places around the world to ride as well as shows where I can see the best of the best competing in all types of horse sports.

I feel truly lucky to have this business.

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